Thunder - Backstreet Symphony (1991)

Backstreet Symohony is a great release from a great band that simply flew under most people's radar because they were never able to get that hit single in the States. 

Thunder plays simple straightforward blues based rock with great hooks and melodies(they are NOT a "hair band" as they are sometimes lumped in with). Full of guitars, great vocals(I really like Don Bowes' voice) and lyrics with tounge in cheek humor this is just good FUN rock'n'roll.

If you are a fan of guitar based rock, Thunder delivers it in spades and Backstreet Symphony is worthy of a place in your collection. (by Beandog)

Danny Bowes (vocals)
Luke Morley (guitar)
Gary James (drums, percussion)
Ben Matthews (guitar, keyboards)
Mark Luckhurst (bass
Andy Taylor (guitar on 05.)
The Croquettes & The Gherkin Brothers (background vocals)

Alternate frontcover

01. She's So Fine (Morley/Taylor) 5.30
02. Dirty Love (Morley) 5.21
03. Don't Wait For Me (Morley) 5.32
04. Higher Ground (Morley) 5.06
05. Until My Dying Day (Morley/Taylor) 6.32
06. Backstreet Symphony (Morley) 4.30
07. Love Walked In (Morley) 6.25
08. An Englishman On Holiday (Morley) 4.27
09. Girl's Going Out Of Her Head (Morley) 4.18
10. Gimme Some Lovin' (S.Winwood/Davis/M.Winwood) 3.51
11. Distant Thunder (Morley) 4.56

ARMU 2172
ARMU 2172 (shareplace)