The Tuesday Morning Paradiddle

This post is a day late (!) but I just returned from a whirlwind trip to Vancouver and Victoria and catching up here.

- I heard some GREAT drumming from my fellow Canadian Jazz drumming blogger Jesse Cahill on Wednesday evening at the Cellar with Ross Taggart on piano and the ever swinging and soulful Jodi Proznick on bass. Ross' tribute to Sonny Clark's standards renditions was really happening.

- Looks like someone has a got a Tony Williams documentary in the works:

Personally, I'm really hoping to hear at least a little bit of the alleged bootleg that's apparently floating around out there of Tony sitting in with Coltrane's quartet.

- My other fellow Canadian Jazz drumming blogger Ted Warren posted this solo drum recital of his on his own blog awhile ago:

Man, that's really unbelievable. The ease with which he executes some of those things is really impressive. He's obviously put his time in on the instrument! I've long been considering doing a solo drum project myself but after seeing this, I clearly have a lot of work to do!

- Here's some up close action footage of Nasheet Waits from this summer's edition of the Newport Jazz Festival:

- Here's a profile on a great drummer from New York via Detroit by the name of Lawrence Leathers whom I've seen hosting the late night jam session at Smalls on numerous occasions:

Since when did IKEA start making drum thrones?

- Someone was thoughtful enough to press record while Elvin Jones gave a drum lesson one day:

As always, when I find myself in the company of older musicians (and the Masters, in particular) I remember what Kenny Washington told me once:

Keep your mouth shut.




- Congratulations to Jamison Ross who recently won the 2012 edition of the Thelonious Monk Competition. As you can see below, we'll likely be hearing from this fine young drummer in the years to come:

Here's a full report via NPR's A Blog Supreme:

And the New York Times:

- I've been listening a lot to the seminal Pat Metheny album "Bright Sized Life" recently and have really been getting into the unique drumming of Bob Moses.

I'm looking forward to having the opportunity to show off what I've learned on this upcoming gig (although I won't using Moses' famous twigs for drumsticks! ie. Vic Earth)

- If you are interested in studying with me, drop me a line sometime!