hould be next week!So, think of this as an annunciation of an upcoming announcement. They've got me going to a broad array of U.S. cities, and while it's impossible to see every city on every tour, I think this'll make a lot of people happy. Stay tuned for next week! I likewise found out that even some bookstores I'm not touring at will still be having release day parties, so I'll try to get that number too.The other news is roughly the 1st chapter of Last Sacrifice. My publisher is in point of when it'll be available, and they've decided this sentence to put it out about the 4th week of November. That's later than usual, but since sometimes excerpt aren't allowed at all from new books, I'm glad we're able to have any sneak-peek at all. When I see more details about its posting date, I'll definitely let you know.Meanwhile, let's talk about books that ARE out. Because this has been a hot week, and a lot of my friends have new releases. Like...Hunger by Jackie Morse KesslerJackie's a long-time pal of mine and one of the reasons I wrote Vampire Academy. I had really started writing it early in 2006 (though it looked nothing like the VA we live today) and stop because it was turning into a mess. Later that year, Jackie started writing a young adult book, and I got inspired by how mad and passionate she was. So, I dug out VA and totally reworked it. I owe Jackie a lot! Hunger is a very big book, though it's not for the light of heart. It's almost an anorexic teen girl who becomes one of the four riders of the Apocalypse, and Jackie isn't afraid to dig into the ugly details of eating disorders. It's still suspicious and action-packed, but the overall content is good and a definite eye-opener. I'm sort of a snob when it comes to books. A fresh can have the best mind in the world, but if the writing sucks, I won't take it. Jackie is such a skilful writer that she could write near the most boring topic ever, and it would yet be interesting. Fortunately, she has awesome ideas, so this is a must-read.
Nightshade by Andrea CremerLet's not even talk about the account for a minute. Can I only say I'm in bed with the top alone? Also, I've ever wanted to make a book Nightshade, so I have double-love going on here. Andrea's a fellow redhead and Razorbill author and was my New York travel buddy at BookExpo earlier this year. She's super nice and has all sorts of cool things going on in Nightshade, like werewolves, arranged marriage, and forbidden love. Sold yet? If not, I should add that Andrea's book was also challenged in a school before it still came out, just like Last Sacrifice was. In Andrea's case, the word was protested by a parent who hadn't read it (how could she have?) but who had heard that Andrea supported another banned author. That's just crazy talk. You can read Andrea's commentary on it (and the review of my own banning) over at this Huffington Post article
Ghost Town by Rachel CaineLast but not least, the next episode of the Morganville Vampires is coming out this week! This is one of my pet vampire series, which is saying something because.well, I won't lie. When you write vampire fiction for a living, you don't like reading it for fun. But I know this series, and Rachel has been kind and supportive to me since before my very first record ever came out. She also let me feed on Girl Scout Cookies the final time I was at her home in Texas.Rachel's going to be touring this week and next for the new book, and she's making a fairly good sweep round the country. You can see her tour schedule here and should go out and see her if she's coming near you because she is delightful. It's a sad irony that I give a difference when she's signing here in Seattle, but I'm hoping to still say hi to her while she's in town. Good times.And that's the word so far! Big things should be coming soon. Check back!