- Matt Jenson, "Humanity" or "Sin", Unpublished lecture delivered at MHGS on October 18th, 2008.
If you liked his lectures, check out his book, The Gravity of Sin. There is a copy in the library.
Now, a little inspiration for all you writers, from Henri Nouwen's Theological Ideas in Education:
Most students...feel that they must first have something to say before they can put it down on paper. For them writing is little more than recording a preexistent thought. But...writing is a process in which we discover what lives in us. The writing itself reveals what is alive.
In another place he writes:
The deepest satisfaction of writing is precisely that it opens up new spaces within us of which we were not aware before we started to write. To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know....Writing is like giving away the few loaves and fishes one has, in trust that they will multiply in the giving. Once we dare to "give away" on paper the few thoughts that come to us, we start discovering how much is hidden underneath...and gradually come in touch with our own riches.
Hope your writing is going well! And may you indeed come in touch with your own riches!!