Vocab Quiz, Missing Words...

I have heard that there are a few words missing out of the Pocket Dictionary. Let me define them for you here:

Doctrine of God: The area of systematic theology that focuses on the study of God's being; e.g., God as Trinity or God as Creator.

Theological Anthropology: The area of systematic theology that focuses on the human person, in other words, in the light of who God is, who and what is humanity.

Dual Natures Doctrine: This doctrine articulates the paradox that Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine; i.e., one person but two natures.

ex nihilo: literally, "out of nothing". This doctrine holds that God created the world out of nothing rather than out of some kind of pre-existent chaos or formless matter.

Heterodoxy: Other or different belief.

Transgression: Sin.

Hope that helps!
