Breaking many hearts across the commonwealth with his brooding good feeling and melodious voice in FOX's hit TV series "",finally has his ambition of releasing an album coming true. He chronicles his seven-year musical journey with a sound reminiscent of early classic Rock 'n' Roll, alternative, and a 60s Folk-Beat-era sound. In an exclusive interview with AceShowbiz, Salling describes his sound and negotiation around the album "" which is due in the United States on October 25.
The Noah 'Puck' Puckerman depicter also announces music video premiere of his single "Illusions" and credits his grandmother as the soul behind his success. ASB: You must be so busy right now! Can you assure us a small bit about what you're doing lately? Mark Salling: Working on my music. Oh, and the show keeps me busy, which I am forever grateful for. ASB: What made you pass in bed with music to start with? Mark Salling: I started taking piano lessons when I was 5, and the remainder is still up in the air. I can't imagine my living without music. ASB: Describe your sound? Mark Salling: It's a small bit country, some classic rock-n-roll, folk, a good 60's beat. ASB: Is there a song on the album that you wrote based on personal experience? Mark Salling: The whole album is a diary pretty much of the final 10 of my lifetime and struggles in LA as a musician. The track "Pipe Dreams" which is coincidentally the list of my album and label, sums it up jolly well I think. ASB: Do you make plans to take a music video? Mark Salling: Yes ("Illusions" will debut on E! News on October 19 at 7 P.M. PST. ASB: What was the last band/musician you watched and thought 'wow they are genuinely good'? Mark Salling: I only went to aconcert, but how does anyone not like Weezer. I likethe classics. ASB:. What sort of songs do you hear on a steady basis? Mark Salling: Everything ASB: Which will be your stress in the upcoming years, music or acting? Mark Salling: I'd hate to always get to prefer one complete the other. I don't see myself ever having to. ASB: Now that you're a big star, what's different in spirit then and now? Mark Salling: (laughs) Thank you, but I'm not a big star. I yet alive with the same roommate in the same apartment. Go askthat question. ASB: If you're to make one individual in your total life, who do you believe you owe your success to? Mark Salling: My grandma.