Californication by the Banks and Government

From his cradle to his grave a man never does a single thing which has any FIRST AND FOREMOST object but one—to secure peace of mind, spiritual comfort, for HIMSELF.
Mark Twain (1835–1910), writer

Californication is without a doubt the best show on television. Last night was the season finale and the ending was completely unexpected.

I love this show. Weeds has gone a bit over the top and not nearly as good as it was the first season.

This is not the post I intended to write tonight, but the show was fantastic.

What I planned to write about were the banks and the insurance companies that took out ads in the Sunday Los Angeles Times pretending that they were offering something above and beyond for the victims of the fires in Southern California last week.

Those companies were showing their shameless, greedy pandering during a time of true suffering for many families. Oh, they have waved their ATM fees, a fee that is unnecessary and does not cost the bank companies anything. Their help is akin to airlines offering free seats on a flight that is not 100 percent booked.

The banks could do more. They could offer some real help instead of pandering at the expense of suffering families for public relations.

What could the banks do? How about for starters offer the families who lost their homes discounted loans along the lines of what they give to their employees or better yet their executives.

To the banks, insurance companies, the U.S. Vice President and the carpetbaggers preying on the misfortune of others -- in the words of our esteemed vice president, who showed his callousness for those who suffer by sleeping -- "Go fuck yourself."